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Chinese, US Diplomats Discuss Korean Peninsula Tensions Amid North Korea's Missile Tests

23.02.2024 23:27

Stability in Korean Peninsula will benefit region, says China's Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Affairs Liu Xiaoming.

Chinese and US diplomats engaged in discussions regarding the situation on the Korean Peninsula, where tensions have escalated due to North Korea's recent missile tests, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Friday

China's Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Affairs, Liu Xiaoming, and US Deputy Special Representative for North Korea, Jung Pak, held a video conference, the ministry said in a press release.

During the conversation, Liu emphasized the importance of addressing the core issues of the Korean issue and resolving mutual concerns through dialogue.

Liu stressed that stability in the Korean Peninsula would benefit both the region and the global community, reaffirming China's commitment to playing a constructive role in seeking a political resolution to the crisis.

For his part, Pak acknowledged Washington's recognition of China's contributions to the matter and expressed a desire for continued communication and collaboration to address the challenges on the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea's recent guided missile tests have raised concerns not only in South Korea but also in Japan, another key US ally in the region. In response, the three countries have intensified military cooperation and joint exercises aimed at countering the North Korean threat.

While the US administration urges China to leverage its influence over Pyongyang to compel North Korea to abandon its nuclear and missile programs, Beijing insists that resolving the issue requires addressing the underlying mistrust between the US and North Korea.

*Writing by Gozde Bayar -

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