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Cihan News Agency Diary

13.03.2015 12:21

Cihan News Agency DiaryGMT 10:00Cihan News Agency latest on Fri day March 13 2015Here are the main Video News items Cihan News Agency aims to cover todayTOP NEWSEXPECTEDERDOĞAN/POPOSKI/FIDAN: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will receive Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki and national Intelligence Organization (MIT) Undersecretary Hakan Fidan .

Cihan News Agency Diary
GMT 10:00
Cihan News Agency latest on Fri day March 13 2015
Here are the main Video News items Cihan News Agency aims to cover today
ERDOĞAN/POPOSKI/FIDAN: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will receive Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki and national Intelligence Organization (MIT) Undersecretary Hakan Fidan .
YILDIZ/ ENERGY AGREEMENT: Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yıldız will attend signing ceremony of Partners of TANAP Projects Agreement set by SOCAR, BOTAŞ and BP.
KILIÇDAROĞLU/AYALA: Republican People’s Party General Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu will hold a meeting with Socialist International General Secretary Luis Ayala.
ALEXIS TSIPRAS/EU LEADERS: Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is scheduled to hold a meeting with EU Leaders in Brussels.

PROTESTS IN ALBANIA: Members of the Albanian opposition party spread across the streets as a sign of protest, after accusations that President of Albanian Parliament İlir Meta ordered a hit on the opposition MP's.

IRAQI REFUGEES FROZEN TO DEATH: Two Iraqi refugees border who allegedly were ruthlessly beaten by Bulgarian police after being caught while they were trying to cross into the country from illegal ways have been found perished from the cold on Turkish –Bulgarian border.

TURKISH CHARITY/NEW YORKS: The charity organization Kimse Yok Mu (Is Anybody There) is planning to carry out 30,000 cataract surgeries in Africa and Asia in 2015.

TEENAGER ABUSE SCANDAL: Four adolescent girls who were patients at a social rehabilitation and psychiatric care facility in Elazığ province that is associated with the Ministry of Family and Social Policy have claimed they were the victims of sexual abuse, harassment and violence committed by six employees at the institution, according to a news story published by the Hürriyet daily.

TRAFFIC ACCIDENT: Camera of a vehicle showed that a 51-year-old citizen was killed on crosswalk after he was hit by a vehicle which passed through tram road quickly in Russia.

DAVUTOĞLU MEETS HUNGARIAN PRESIDENT: Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu had a meeting with Hungarian President Janos Ader in Ankara on Wednesday.

HOT SPRINGS ON SATURN: Scientists discovered hot springs on Saturn's icy moon Enceladus which suggests that the floor of the satellite's subsurface ocean may be home to near-boiling temperatures.

TURKISH SCHOOLS/MOZAMBIQUE: Mozambican National Defense Minister Atanásio Salvador M’tumuke was elected as the honorary president of Söğüt Turkish schools which have been operating in Mozambique. Minister M’tumuke who is known for his efforts for opening of schools in the capital city of Maputo and Matola stated that he will mention success of those schools on every occasion.

ISS CREW RETURNS BACK: Three crew members returned to Earth Wednesday after a 167-day mission on the International Space Station (ISS) that included hundreds of scientific experiments and several spacewalks to prepare the orbiting laboratory for future arrivals by U.S. commercial crew spacecraft.

POLICE OFFICERS SHOT IN FERGUSON: Two police officers in the flashpoint US town of Ferguson were shot early Thursday during a new protest over the treatment of blacks by the mainly white police force, an officer said.

IMF REPORT/INDIA: The Indian economy has bottomed out and is on a revival path, with growth strengthening, helped by positive policy actions that have improved confidence and lower global oil prices, says the IMF in its annual assessment of the Indian economy. To continue on this trend, India needs to revive the investment cycle and accelerate structural reforms, says the report.

MAN STEALS ALMS BOX: A security camera revealed that an unknown young man stole alms box in a bookstore in the southern province of Osmaniye.

HOT SPRINGS IN SATURN: Scientists discovered hot springs on Saturn's icy moon Enceladus which suggests that the floor of the satellite's subsurface ocean may be home to near-boiling temperatures.

BOMB ATTACK TO TV STUDIO: Two country bombs packed in tiffin boxes were hurled at the office of the Tamil television news channel Puthiya Thalaimurai in Chennai at about 3 am this morning. No damage has been reported. CCTV footage shows four men on two motorcycles throwing the crude bombs at the entrance to the office. Police are investigating the attack.

CREW CHANGED ON ISS: On March 11, a day after handing over command of the International Space Station, Expedition 42 Commander Barry Wilmore of NASA, Alexander Samokutyaev and Elena Serova of the Russian Federal Space Agency said farewell to new station Commander Terry Virts of NASA and his Expedition 43 crewmates.

Event: Covering latest developments from the Turkish province of Hatay along the
Turkish Syrian border
Location 1: Hatay Yayladagi
Location 2: Gaziantep- Kilis
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