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Details that incite rebellion regarding the police killer! He was acquitted due to lack of evidence after sexually assaulting a woman.

Details that incite rebellion regarding the police killer! He was acquitted due to lack of evidence after sexually assaulting a woman.

29.09.2024 08:50

A detail that causes outrage almost every day has emerged regarding the criminal Yunus Emre Geçti, who martyred police officer Şeyda Yılmaz in Ümraniye. Despite having 26 criminal records, Geçti was seen walking freely on the streets. It has also come to light that he previously sexually assaulted a woman and was acquitted due to lack of evidence. Reports have confirmed that during the incident, Geçti told the woman, "We can get out of this situation no matter what."

It has emerged that Yunus Emre Geçti, who martyred police officer Şeyda Yılmaz in Ümraniye, Istanbul, and has 26 criminal records, was previously tried for sexual assault and battery against a woman and was acquitted.


In an incident that occurred in November 2021 at a car dealership in Ümraniye, police teams found a woman named Aynur Ş. (34) beaten after responding to a report of violence against her. Allegedly, Yunus Emre Geçti, who was 16 years old at the time, sexually assaulted the woman by saying, "I gave you money, you have to be with me," and locked her in a room and beat her.


Each time the woman tried to escape, she was beaten again by Geçti. Geçti's friends, who arrived at the scene, also did not intervene with the woman. When the woman said she would call the police, her phone was taken from her and thrown away. Following Aynur Ş.'s complaint, a case was opened against Geçti for "simple sexual assault," "deprivation of liberty," and "damage to property," with a request for a prison sentence of up to 14 years and 9 months.


In the case heard at the Istanbul Anadolu Children's Court, Yunus Emre Geçti denied all charges and claimed, "She is slandering me; she was the one who beat me." The court accepted Geçti's defense, stating that the fracture on the woman's phone could have existed before the incident, and issued an acquittal decision. According to a report in Sabah newspaper, the public prosecutor and the victim's lawyer, who appealed this decision, took the case to the Court of Appeals. In a decision made in 2023, the Court of Appeals stated that the bruises in the victim's medical reports were consistent with the account of the incident and that the elements of the crime of "deprivation of liberty" were present, thus overturning the acquittal decision. The case was returned to the local court for re-examination.


It was also confirmed by reports that Yunus Emre Geçti said to the woman during the incident, "We will slip out of this in every way," while it was determined that the local court did not sufficiently consider the injuries consistent with the woman's statement. Now, all eyes are on the decision that the local court will give again.

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