Social media influencer Dilan Polat and her husband Engin Polat were released on bail two weeks apart in a money laundering case. The famous couple had a legal dispute with their neighbors over a parking issue on June 2, 2023, at the luxury residential complex where they live. In the trial of Dilan and Engin Polat, the Public Prosecutor changed his opinion on the main issue. The Prosecutor requested the dismissal and acquittal of Dilan and Engin Polat for the charges of "insult", "threat", and "intentional injury", but also requested a prison sentence of up to 3 years for Engin Polat for the charge of "violation of residential immunity", as well as filing a criminal complaint against Dilan Polat and unknown suspects for the same offense. THEY FACED LEGAL ACTION DUE TO A PARKING ISSUEAfter the argument with their neighbors on June 2, 2023, Dilan Polat and Engin Polat were reported to the police by their neighbors M.S.A. and E.A. The Anatolian Chief Public Prosecutor's Office filed a lawsuit against Dilan Polat for the charges of "insult", "simple assault", and "threat", with a prison sentence of up to 8 years and 4 months, and against Engin Polat for the charges of "insult", "simple assault", "threat", and "violation of residential immunity", with a prison sentence of up to 11 years. The trial took place at the Anatolian 35th Criminal Court of First Instance, but the defendants Dilan Polat, Engin Polat, and the complainants M.S.A. and E.A. did not attend. Their lawyers were present in the courtroom. PROSECUTOR CHANGED HIS OPINIONIn the previous session of the trial, the Public Prosecutor requested the dismissal of the charges against Engin Polat for "insult", "threat", and "intentional injury" due to the absence of complaints and reconciliation with the victim M.S.A., and stated that the charge of "violation of residential immunity" is not subject to reconciliation or complaint, and that it is established that the defendants entered the victims' residence without their consent during the night. The Prosecutor requested a prison sentence of up to 3 years for this charge. In the trial, the Public Prosecutor changed his opinion and requested the punishment of Engin Polat for the charge of "violation of residential immunity", and also requested a criminal complaint against Dilan Polat and unknown suspects for the same offense. The trial was adjourned to allow the defense lawyers to present their arguments.