Discussions regarding the retirement holiday bonus and childbirth assistance are starting.

Discussions regarding the retirement holiday bonus and childbirth assistance are starting.

17.03.2025 09:36

The General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly will discuss the bill that includes the increase of the holiday bonus for retirees and regulations on birth assistance this week. With this proposal, the holiday bonus for retirees may rise to 4,000 lira, while birth assistance will be provided for live-born children.

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The proposal for the Law on Youth and Sports Services, which includes the increase of the retirement holiday bonus to 4 thousand lira and regulations regarding birth assistance, is expected to come to the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) this week. The TBMM General Assembly will discuss the proposal that includes the increase of the retirement holiday bonus and regulations regarding birth assistance. With the proposal, the retirement holiday bonus will be raised to 4 thousand lira.


With the amendment to the Highway Transport Law, those carrying passengers without tickets and those engaged in uncontracted transportation will face administrative fines ranging from 8,500 lira to 85,000 lira, and those acting as agents and transportation brokers without obtaining a license will face fines ranging from 25,000 lira to 250,000 lira. Turkish citizens will be eligible for a one-time or monthly birth assistance until the child turns 5, provided they apply for live-born children born on or after January 1, 2025, and reside in Turkey.


The number of children eligible for birth assistance and the amount of assistance for each child will be determined by the President. The amount to be paid as "DHMİ performance bonus" to the personnel of the General Directorate of State Airports Authority (DHMİ) will be calculated by multiplying the number of outgoing flight traffic at civil airports in Turkey by 40% of the civil servant monthly coefficient. Payments will also be made to the personnel of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (SHGM) within this scope.


The Investigation Commission for the Hotel Fire at Kartalkaya Ski Resort will listen to officials from the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, as well as academics. In the Artificial Intelligence Research Commission, officials from the Ministry of Treasury and Finance and Garanti Bank will provide information to the members of parliament, along with Prof. Dr. Ufuk Akçiğit from the University of Chicago. The Foreign Affairs Commission will discuss 6 legislative proposals regarding the approval of certain international agreements. Group meetings of political parties with a group in the Assembly will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday.


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