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Discussions within the CHP and developments in Ankara politics have raised the question of whether a new alliance is emerging.

Discussions within the CHP and developments in Ankara politics have raised the question of whether a new alliance is emerging.

20.09.2024 10:22

The tension between Mansur Yavaş and Ekrem İmamoğlu during the Statute Congress within the CHP has opened a new chapter in politics. Former CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu visited İYİ Party Chairman Müsavat Dervişoğlu at the party's headquarters. The messages conveyed here were interpreted as a sign of a new alliance.

Politics in Ankara has gained momentum with the CHP Statute Congress and the subsequent discussions. The statements made about "not looking back" during the meeting between former CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and İYİ Party Chairman Müsavat Dervişoğlu have brought separate alliance claims to the agenda.

Ankara Metropolitan Mayor Mansur Yavaş reacted to being informed only one hour before his speech at the CHP Statute Congress. The brief verbal tension that continued on stage during the congress has raised claims of a political crisis within the CHP.

Are the internal discussions within the CHP and the developments in Ankara politics giving rise to a new alliance?


Mansur Yavaş spoke about the claims that he would resign from the CHP following the discussions. He stated, "All the issues currently being discussed, especially the candidacy issue, will be talked about when the time comes." Yavaş's expression of "when the time comes" has added a new dimension to the claims regarding this issue. It is being discussed in Ankara circles that Yavaş has not given up on being a presidential candidate in the upcoming term.

Are the internal discussions within the CHP and the developments in Ankara politics giving rise to a new alliance?


While the internal discussions within the CHP were about to fade from the agenda, Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu made a statement that would intensify the debates within the party. "Now is the time to prepare in the best way for the upcoming process. This is not the time for people who do politics in the same room, the same place, under the same roof to say, 'You stepped on my foot, you touched my arm, you looked at me harshly.' Anyone who is dealing with this is not my companion on this journey," he said. Although Mansur Yavaş's name was not mentioned in İmamoğlu's statement, it is known by everyone that he was referring to him. Especially the phrase "is not my companion on this journey" seemed to aim at giving an official identity to the political perspective for the "upcoming term."


Another development that stirred the corridors was Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's message during his meeting with media representatives, stating that "there is no exit door in politics." These words from the former CHP leader were interpreted as a clear message that he would continue in politics. He then visited İYİ Party Chairman Müsavat Dervişoğlu at the İYİ Party headquarters. The messages conveyed by both politicians here led to further activity on the political front.

After a 45-minute meeting, Kılıçdaroğlu and Dervişoğlu spoke at a joint press conference. The expressions used by Kılıçdaroğlu drew attention. "We discussed Turkey's problems, the world's problems, and the problems of our region with the esteemed Chairman. We addressed the difficulties in the economy, unemployment, migration, refugees, and the complex structures in the Middle East during our brief conversation, and exchanged views," he stated.

Kılıçdaroğlu's assertion that he touched on every issue from the economy to politics, and from foreign policy to administrative matters, helped create the perception of him as an active politician. The messages conveyed by Dervişoğlu during the same meeting were equally significant.


Dervişoğlu first spoke in a way that confirmed Kılıçdaroğlu's statements regarding the content of the meeting. He then said, "We didn't talk about anything from yesterday; we only talked about tomorrow. Based on the thought that 'Yesterday is in the past, my dear, we need to say new things,' I expressed that I would continue my journey of serving our country with the responsibility of a political party chairman." These statements raised the question of whether a forward-looking message was being given. At the end of the meeting, the words "We found it appropriate not to take questions from the press due to the sensitivity of the process" were indicative of the announcement of "a new process."


The internal discussions within the CHP and Kılıçdaroğlu's messages indicating that he would not leave politics without mentioning any party names have led to claims of a new leftist party or a new alliance. The meeting of Müsavat Dervişoğlu and Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu in the future perspective further strengthens the thesis of a third way and alternative alliances in politics.

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