Dr. Ender Saraç was the guest of Gökay Kalaycıoğlu, the moderator of the interview series "Haber Bahane" broadcasted on Haberler.com. Highlighting the issue of male infertility, Ender Saraç stated that mumps, which is contracted during childhood, plays a significant role in this matter. "THE MOST IMPORTANT REASON FOR MALE INFERTILITY IS MUMPS"Saraç said, "One of the most important reasons for male infertility is mumps contracted during childhood. Not taking this seriously, not considering its importance... Because mumps can cause infertility in 10% of cases. It can affect the testicles. Therefore, it is essential to rest under medical supervision and carry out the necessary procedures for mumps." "TESTICLES OF NEWBORNS MUST BE EXAMINED"Pointing out that another problem causing infertility in men is undescended testicles, Saraç stated, "The reason why testicles are outside the body in males is that they need to be a degree cooler than body temperature. If the testicles remain inside the body, they can later develop cancer or cause infertility. Therefore, the testicles must be examined in newborns and during the first months afterwards." he said. "VARICOCELE CAN BE CORRECTED WITH A SIMPLE OPERATION"Emphasizing that varicocele is a very serious problem for men, Saraç noted, "Varicocele usually appears at an older age. It was often diagnosed in the military. We can say it is a disruption of blood circulation in the vein. It can be corrected with a very simple operation. If varicocele is not treated, then the other testicle can only produce sperm." he stated. "GET A SPERMIOGRAM BEFORE MARRIAGE"Highlighting that all men must have a testicular examination, Saraç said, "I always say, even before getting married, make sure to get a spermogram done at least once. Just get a spermogram to find out whether that man is infertile or has low fertilization ability. It's a very simple thing."