In the case of famous former model Deniz Akkaya, who was accused of assaulting her former manager Merih Yılmaz along with 5 people in 2018, a verdict has been reached. 13 YEARS AND 4 MONTHS IMPRISONMENTAkkaya and 5 suspects related to the incident were sentenced to 13 years and 4 months in prison for the crimes of 'robbery in residence' and 'deprivation of liberty' during the verdict hearing of the case held at the Istanbul 19th Heavy Penal Court. Additionally, a travel ban was imposed on Akkaya and the other 5 individuals. WHAT HAPPENED?The incident occurred on October 3, 2018. Merih Yılmaz, who managed Deniz Akkaya, found a debt of 20,000 Euros at Akkaya's request and delivered it to her lawyer Merih Erkul on September 28. However, on October 3, Deniz Akkaya called Yılmaz to a meeting at her lawyer's office in Beyoğlu. According to the allegations, when Yılmaz arrived at the office, he was assaulted by 5 people accompanying Akkaya and was forced to transfer his vehicle in exchange for his debt. A power of attorney was obtained for the vehicle registered in Yılmaz's mother's name, and Yılmaz was made to sign a document stating that he did not owe Akkaya anything. PROSECUTOR'S INVESTIGATION AND TRIAL PROCESSFollowing the incident, an investigation was initiated by the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. An indictment was prepared against Deniz Akkaya and the 5 individuals accompanying her for the charges of "Robbery with the Purpose of Collecting a Legal Debt" and "Deprivation of Liberty by Using Force, Threat, or Deception." In the trial held at the Istanbul Heavy Penal Court, the complainant Merih Yılmaz and the defendants Deniz Akkaya, Oğuzhan M., Erdi T., Mehmet D., Uğur K., Yahya Y., along with their lawyers, were present. The defendants denied the allegations, claiming that the transfer of the vehicle occurred with Yılmaz's consent and that there was no physical intervention or coercion. PROSECUTOR'S OPINIONThe prosecutor stated in his opinion that Deniz Akkaya could not document her claim for debt and that the complainant denied these allegations. It was expressed that the defendants did not allow the complainant to leave the office by assaulting him and seized his vehicle and phone. It was noted that the defendants acted with a joint intent, and a request was made for each of them to be sentenced to 15 years in prison.