Once making headlines with her romance with famous singer Serdar Ortaç, singer Seçil Gür has recently come to the fore with a completely different issue. "I HAVE BEEN HARASSED FOR 7 MONTHS"Gür stated that she has been verbally, in writing, and physically harassed for 7 months by someone everyone knows. "HE DOESN'T STOP"Seçil Gür, who expressed that she had remained silent for her family until now but could no longer endure this situation, included the following statements in her announcement on social media: "I have been harassed by an ignorant person for 7 months. Verbally, in writing, and even physically... I tried to maintain my politeness regarding this issue for a long time because the person was someone I had included in my life for about 5-6 months. Despite all the immoral and provocative behaviors he has exhibited, maintaining my silence until now was a protective shield I displayed for myself and my family, especially for my family. However, this person doesn't stop. "I WILL APPLY TO THE COURT"Stating that she will apply to the court on Monday using all her legal rights along with the evidence she has, Gür continued her words as follows: "There are some people among us who seem normal but are absolutely not... May God protect everyone from bad people and may God bring everyone together with good people."