Ferdi Tayfur, who passed away last week due to organ failure, left his loved ones in mourning. An unforgettable memorial and funeral ceremony was held for Tayfur after his death. Since the farewell to Ferdi Tayfur, discussions have been ongoing about the wealth he left behind. It has been reported that Tayfur left behind many properties, including 86 apartments, 7 villas, and an island in Marmaris. The late artist's inheritance is believed to amount to 3 billion lira. HERITAGE TO BE DIVIDED AMONG 5 CHILDRENAccording to a report by Sabah, Ferdi Tayfur's wealth will likely be divided among the 5 children he had from different relationships at various times. PENINSULA WORTH 12 MILLION DOLLARSHaving had only one official marriage throughout his life, Tayfur always referred to his residence in Marmaris as 'My Paradise.' Today, real estate agents in the area say that the peninsula owned by Tayfur is worth "at least 12 million dollars." This means the price of this land is at least 400 million TL. 600 MILLION LIRA FOR EACH CHILDConsidering the apartments in Istanbul and Adana, the land and properties within Turkey, and the royalties from his works, it is believed that Ferdi Baba left behind a fortune of approximately 3 billion lira for his heirs. According to this calculation, it seems that each child will receive a share of 600 million lira from this wealth.