The beloved series of Show TV, Kızılcık Şerbeti, is making waves on screens with its third season, while the consecutive news of departures has shocked the audience. TWO MORE ACTORS ARE LEAVING It was previously announced that Kaan Taşaner, who joined the cast in the second season, and Şebnem Dönmez, who joined in the third season, would be leaving the project. Now, it has emerged that two more actors will bid farewell. According to Birsen Altuntaş's report, following Taşaner and Dönmez, Duygu Kocabıyık and Semra San, who play mother and daughter in the series, will also say goodbye to the show. After the consecutive departures in Kızılcık Şerbeti, directed by Ketche and Eylem Oğuz, and written by Melis Civelek and Zeynep Gür, the future of the series has become a topic of curiosity. On the other hand, Kaan Taşaner explained his reason for leaving the series with the words, "The direction of the story did not evolve in the way I wanted," which sparked discussions among the fans of the series.