The Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), Ekrem İmamoğlu, sent messages within the CHP during his statements at the İSKİ Silivri Infrastructure Investments Groundbreaking Ceremony. "EVERY FRIEND OF MINE WILL MAKE CHP THE GOVERNMENT"Stating that "Our nation is inviting us," İmamoğlu said, "They gave us great power on March 31, they are inviting us. Every friend of mine will work 24/7. Every friend of mine will leave no neighborhood, no house unvisited. They will do everything they can for the satisfaction and happiness of the people. They will be in solidarity. Together with their services, they will make CHP the government in the upcoming general elections. It is that clear. There is no other way." "EKREM, LET BORA WORK AND WE WILL BE IN POWER, NO"Addressing his party members, İmamoğlu said, "I will sit back, lean back, let Ekrem work, let Bora work, and we will be in power. There is no such plunder. From Edirne to Kars, from Sinop to Hatay, from Mersin to Trabzon, every province, every town, every district, every metropolitan city, every party member of CHP will serve hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, on the journey to becoming a government that does not engage in partisanship, as the nation expects, saying 'full speed ahead.'" "I CALL THOSE WHO SAY 'I CAN TAKE HIS PLACE' 'A COWARD'İmamoğlu stated, "If I take a step back, watch from three steps behind, and those who say 'maybe I can take his place if Ekrem stumbles,' I call them 'a coward.' There is no such thing. Neither the party members will let Ekrem down, nor will the nation let Ekrem down. It is that clear."