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Good news for expatriates from Germany.

Good news for expatriates from Germany.

27.06.2024 20:33

The law that allows dual citizenship in Germany will come into effect tomorrow. Turkish citizens living in Germany will be able to have German citizenship without renouncing their Turkish citizenship according to this rule.

The "Law on the Modernization of the Citizenship Law," signed by German President Frank Walter Steinmeier on March 26, will come into effect tomorrow, as published in the official gazette.


After the new law, Turkish citizens living in Germany will not be required to renounce their Turkish citizenship. The period for acquiring German citizenship, which was previously eight years, will be reduced to five years. Those who do not accept gender equality, are anti-Semitic, racist, xenophobic, or engage in other inhumane actions will not be granted German citizenship.


Children born in Germany can obtain German citizenship if at least one of their parents has legally resided in the country for at least 5 years. Additionally, those applying for citizenship will be required to take a test to prove their proficiency in the German language.

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