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He said goodbye to his loved ones and disappeared! He has been missing for 3 days.

He said goodbye to his loved ones and disappeared! He has been missing for 3 days.

25.09.2024 20:12

In Kumluca District of Antalya, 22-year-old Halil İbrahim Öksüz disappeared after saying goodbye via WhatsApp. He left a note written on a napkin with his birth and death dates. His family reported the situation to the police, expressing their concerns that the young man might be contemplating suicide.

22-year-old Halil İbrahim Öksüz disappeared after leaving a note. Öksüz, who has not been heard from for 3 days, wrote his birth date and the day he went missing as his date of death on a napkin. It was learned that the young man last created a WhatsApp group to say goodbye to his relatives and friends.


Öksüz, who wrote his birth date on a napkin and the day he went missing as his date of death, shared a note saying, "It is my will not to have a gravestone." The family is concerned for the young man's life. Halil İbrahim Öksüz, who lived on the 4th floor of Akkoyunlu Apartment on Gödene Street in Kumluca District, created a group on WhatsApp and said goodbye to those in the group. After that hour, he disappeared. The young man, whose parents live separately, last visited his father Halit Öksüz in Antalya on Saturday night and then went to his mother Özlem Öksüz in Kumluca. He was last seen entering and exiting a market, and no news has been received from him since. The last footage of the young man was captured by the market's security camera. Halil İbrahim Öksüz's family fears he may commit suicide and wants him to be found as soon as possible.

He said goodbye to his loved ones and disappeared! He has not been heard from for 3 days


Özlem Öksüz, the mother, said, "I went to work on the morning of September 22, Sunday. After I left for work, he went in and out of the market around 09:00 - 09:30. He came back home. His brother opened the door. After his brother opened the door, he went back to bed. Then he left the house. I found out when my sister called me to inform me. He created a group and said goodbye. He wrote a message saying forgive me for everything. That’s how I found out. I rushed back from work. On the way, I told my daughter to call the police. Firefighters and police came and checked everywhere. He was nowhere to be found. But I am very afraid that he will commit suicide. He wrote on the napkin that he would commit suicide. I found the napkin the next day," she said.

He said goodbye to his loved ones and disappeared! He has not been heard from for 3 days

Öksüz reported that her son last came to her crying and continued: "He hugged me. 'Mom, I have suffered your longing. I grew up like this,' he said. He used to come to me, and he came again before going to the army. He came back after the army. 'Let's go work with my brother. Let's save some money, mom,' he said. He went to Antalya, where he lived with his brother. But every time he called me, he would say, 'My psychology is not good, take me to the doctor, mom.' Then he came here. We sat together on Saturday night. We didn't sleep until morning. I didn't sleep either. I asked my son what his problem was. He told me, 'Mom, I keep thinking about the past. Everything we experienced keeps coming to my mind.' His brother Batuhan Öksüz also wanted his brother to be found.

He said goodbye to his loved ones and disappeared! He has not been heard from for 3 days


Sister Feride Ayav stated that her brother wrote a note on a napkin. Feride Ayav said: "He wrote on the napkin, 'Do not make a gravestone for me. It is my will. I am going to suffer my pain. I did not want to upset anyone. But unintentionally, I made everyone very sad.' On the left side of the note, he wrote his birth date, and on the right side, he wrote the date of death as September 22. The police officials told us that they watched all the cameras, including those at the bus station, that he did not board a bus, and that the same work was done in the city center of Antalya, and that they conducted a detailed search and were focused on it. The friends at the missing persons bureau told us that he was not missing, that the phone signal was in Muratpaşa, and that they would do a new signal tracking. I called at 08:00 in the morning. There is still no news. They said the results of the new signal tracking have not come in yet. They said, 'We will call you.'

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