The claim that a gang residing in hospitals in Istanbul unnecessarily hospitalized newborn babies, resulting in the deaths of 12 children, has made headlines. While the repercussions of this incident continue, footage has emerged showing the prosecutor conducting the investigation being threatened in his office. THREATENED WITH A FINGER WAGGING In the footage shared by journalist Emrullah Erdinç, a person identifying himself as a former undersecretary is seen threatening the prosecutor in his office while wagging his finger. "THEY HAVE 500 MEN WHO WILL TAKE A BULLET FOR THE STATE"The individual, who openly threatened the prosecutor on behalf of the gang, who is resisting pressure and conducting a second wave of operations in the investigation, stated, "It's not just about protecting you; your wife going to the market, your father going to the mosque, and your children also need protection. These men are operatives working for the state abroad; they have 500 men who will take a bullet for the state. Release those inside, take a photo with me and share it, and no one will touch you."