Famous showman Mehmet Ali Erbil's girlfriend Gülseren Ceylan, who is 40 years younger than him, recently announced that they had decided to part ways. Ceylan, who was a guest on Pınar Kerimoğlu's show, spoke openly about her sexual life with Erbil. "HE SATISFIED ME IN EVERY WAY"In response to Pınar Kerimoğlu's question, "Did Mehmet Ali Erbil satisfy you?", Ceylan stated, "Mehmet Ali satisfied me in every way; otherwise, there wouldn't have been a relationship. Even though he never took pills, his masculinity was very good, and we had a good physical compatibility. He was a man I loved by kissing and smelling. There are men at 30 who are bad in bed, but there are also those at 60, like Mehmet Ali, who are very good in that regard," she expressed. "WE DIDN'T USE PROTECTION" CONFESSIONGülseren Ceylan also said, "Mr. Mehmet Ali constantly said, 'We will get married in the summer, be patient, it's almost time,' and kept me waiting. We really wanted to have children and we never used protection. But I couldn't get pregnant; it just didn't happen, unfortunately. He kept me waiting with the promise of marriage, but when I realized this, we were already in the process of separation," she said.