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  HOME PAGE 23/09/2024 18:34 
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Here is the translation of your text into English: "Images that left viewers astonished! They competed by carrying each other on their shoulders."

Here is the translation of your text into English:

23.09.2024 15:21

The video shared with the note "Sheikh Race" was watched by thousands of people in a short time. The footage included moments where individuals in turbans and robes were carried on the shoulders of a group of men. One of the viewers claimed that the footage belonged to the graduation ceremony of mullahs who completed their studies at a madrasa in Iran.

"Sheikh Race" video shared under the title has quickly become a trending topic, being watched by thousands of people. Individuals dressed in sariks, robes, and similar attire were carried on the shoulders of a group of men. It was observed that there were also women and children among the crowd. The footage left viewers astonished.


One of the viewers stated that these images depict the graduation ceremony of mullahs who have completed their studies at a madrasa in Iran's Turkmen Sahra region. The user claimed that the tradition of carrying mullahs on shoulders after graduation is commonly practiced in Iran. However, no definitive information was shared about the origin of the footage. The rapidly spreading video has been watched by thousands of people. Users commented, "Newly graduated sheikhs in Iran's Golestan city," and "I stumbled upon this, I laughed out loud."

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