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Ilker Ayrık, who has established a 17-acre farm in the heart of Istanbul, explained his new job: I am working as a chef.

Ilker Ayrık, who has established a 17-acre farm in the heart of Istanbul, explained his new job: I am working as a chef.

27.06.2024 20:34

Actor Ilker Ayrık, who has established a farm on a 17-acre land in Istanbul, has started spending most of his time there. Ayrık, who claims to be a farmer, said, "I am also a chef and restaurateur. Although it needs to turn into a business, I am doing it as a hobby for now."

In addition to his roles in the TV series "Geniş Aile" and "Seksenler," İlker Ayrık, who has made a name for himself with the game shows he hosted, recently started living a village life by establishing a farm in Istanbul Beykoz. The actor, who has not been involved in projects for a while, started spending his time on his farm.


İlker Ayrık, who attended the tribute night organized for the famous rapper Ceza last night, talked about his farm to Magazin Online reporter. The actor, who started producing his own fruits and vegetables, said, "I am doing farming and cooking, I am running a restaurant. I listen to rap music. In order for it to turn into a business, we need to earn money, but currently it is not like that, it is still a hobby. We are working to make it better."

İlker Ayrık, who established a 17-acre farm in the heart of Istanbul, talked about his new business: I am cooking


Talking about his projects for the new season, İlker Ayrık said, "We are in talks for new programs. We are discussing projects with many channels. We will probably do a job in the fall or towards the New Year. Apart from that, we continue to work on YouTube. I am doing very well, I feel very good about myself."

İlker Ayrık, who established a 17-acre farm in the heart of Istanbul, talked about his new business: I am cooking

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