The illegal betting craze, which is increasingly spreading in Turkey, has recently jumped to celebrities. While the illegal betting investigations that made headlines with the detention of Serdar Ortaç and Mehmet Ali Erbil continue, famous social media influencer and DJ Kerimcan Durmaz's name has also been involved in an advertising scandal. ALLEGATION OF PARTICIPATION IN ILLEGAL BETTING ADVERTISEMENTAccording to Mynet's news, it was claimed that Durmaz was on stage as a DJ at a concert organized for the advertisement of an illegal betting site. In the footage, it was seen that advertisements for illegal betting sites were displayed on the giant screen behind Kerimcan Durmaz while he was performing. While the name of the illegal betting site was projected onto the backstage, Durmaz was heard saying, "They were saying something was coming here, what happened? What about the casinos?" It was claimed that the footage was shot in Malta. The date of the footage is unknown. INVESTIGATION INITIATEDWhile it is claimed that the footage was shot in Malta, the date remains unknown. Following the emergence of the footage, the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office initiated an investigation against Kerimcan Durmaz.