14.10.2024 18:31
In a fight that broke out among neighbors in Samsun due to noise, one person was injured with a döner knife. It was reported that the condition of the injured person is serious, while another person sustained minor injuries during the altercation.
In an incident that occurred last night in the Gaziosmanpaşa neighborhood of the Canik district in Samsun, a fight broke out between Engin K., who had a previous feud with his upstairs neighbor Hüseyin A. over noise. Hüseyin A. attacked Engin K. with a döner knife, injuring him in the neck, right leg, and left arm. Nazım B., who tried to separate the fight, was also lightly injured on the head. Nazım B. was taken to Gazi State Hospital, while Engin K. was taken to Samsun Training and Research Hospital. It was learned that Engin K. was in critical condition and was transferred to Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMÜ) Faculty of Medicine Hospital after the initial intervention. It was reported that Engin K. had lost a lot of blood during the surgery at the hospital.
Hüseyin A., who was taken into custody by the teams of the Canik District Police Department's Crime Prevention and Investigation Bureau, was brought to Samsun Courthouse today. Hüseyin A. stated that Engin K. came to his door and attacked him with a knife, and when he was injured on his thumb during the struggle, he used the döner knife to protect himself. After giving his statement to the duty court, Hüseyin A. was arrested and sent to Samsun Type T Closed Prison.