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Işıl Yücesoy shared her battle with cancer: I didn't know myself for 3 days a week.

Işıl Yücesoy shared her battle with cancer: I didn't know myself for 3 days a week.

27.06.2024 17:54

Işıl Yücesoy, who was a guest on Haberler.com's program "Haber Bahane", shared her battle with cancer that she experienced years ago. Yücesoy mentioned that she couldn't start treatment early because of her work and that her condition worsened. She said, "Continuing to work caused the removal of my lymph nodes. Due to chemotherapy, I could only live for 4 days a week, and for 3 days, I didn't even know myself."

Gökay Kalaycıoğlu's presentation on Haberler.com's YouTube channel, the guest of this week's Haber Bahane program was the master actress Işıl Yücesoy. The actress, who said that she was diagnosed with cancer during the shooting of the series Yer Gök Aşk, but did not start treatment in order not to let the team down, talked about the difficult days she experienced.


The veteran artist, who said that when she was diagnosed with cancer, she told her first daughter, "My first daughter was not very young when I was diagnosed with the disease. I told my illness to my first daughter. She was at the beach... I was shooting Yer Gök Aşk at that time, I felt the disease but I couldn't quit the job. There were 60-70 people working, people with children, people paying rent... I continued to work but it was a very serious responsibility. I couldn't quit the job. Because I continued to work and postponed the treatment for 2 months, my lymph nodes had to be removed because it grew very fast. It was a big mistake. If it happened today, I would do the same. Everyone was earning their bread on that set, quitting was not something I could do. At that time, I was not aware of the terrifying extent of the job. When I went to the doctor in Nevşehir, he said 'I don't like your results, Işıl Hanım' because I didn't start treatment, cancer progressed to stage 2," she said.

Işıl Yücesoy talked about her battle with cancer: I didn't know myself for 3 days a week


Yücesoy, who stated that she distanced herself from some people around her during the treatment process, continued her words as follows: "There are many people dealing with this disease. When you first hear about it, you question why me when there are so many people. You think about how to do it. The right doctor, a little perseverance... When you call your friends in such diseases, they shouldn't say 'Just pass it, we hear about 50 cases a day. It's like a flu now.' People don't go through this like a flu. They shouldn't say that... After these words, I closed all my phones. During my treatment process, only 1-2 of my friends came. You are already fighting a tough battle with yourself. There are moments when you can't tolerate such nonsense conversations. After chemotherapy, I would lie down for 3 days without knowing myself. I had a very difficult time, I was only living 4 days a week."

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