In the "Haber Bahane" program, actress and ballerina Lale Mansur, who answered questions from Gökay Kalaycıoğlu, made striking statements about her life, art, and choices. Mansur made headlines with her candid expressions that spanned from her career to her private life. "I WAS BORN AS A PAŞA'S DAUGHTER"Lale Mansur, in her statements about her childhood, said, "I was born as a paşa's daughter, I was very prone to being spoiled." Explaining her passion for ballet, Mansur expressed her dedication to her art with the words, "Ballet is not something that can be done without being in love." "I DO NOT REGRET NOT HAVING CHILDREN"Touching on her decision not to have children, Mansur stated, "I'm not very sure if I regret not having children; I guess I'm not regretful." She also added that she could have had children if she had acted earlier. "I HAVE NEVER BEEN A MEMBER OF ANY PARTY"Speaking about her political views, Mansur said, "I have never been a member of any party and I am not affiliated with any." Additionally, she took a firm stance regarding her television career with her words, "I will never work with TRT."