Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who left their royal duties in the UK and settled in the US in 2020, continue to make headlines with their private lives. The 43-year-old former actress Markle had not been active on social media for a while. The Duchess of Sussex reopened her Instagram account, using only the name "meghan." Markle shared a video of herself running on a beach as her first post on her newly opened Instagram account. The famous figure disabled comments on her post, which appeared to show "2025" written in the sand. WILL EARN AT LEAST 1 MILLION DOLLARSWhile it is noteworthy that Markle does not use her last name on social media, according to a report by the Daily Mail, she will earn at least 1 million dollars per post. Markle's upcoming posts on her social media account have already become a topic of curiosity.