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Narin's only uncle who was not detained spoke: Even the ground wouldn't accept him.

Narin's only uncle who was not detained spoke: Even the ground wouldn't accept him.

10.09.2024 21:41

After the murder of Narin Güran in Diyarbakır, the only uncle who is not in custody, Erhan Güran, spoke. The uncle, who described the conversation between the suspect informant Nevzat Bahtiyar, said, "8 uncles are in custody, my son and nephews are also inside. I haven't even gone to the police station for them. When our state reveals it, whoever it may be, they will suffer this punishment, which is the light of my eyes. Even the earth will not accept him."

While following the investigation into the finding of Narin's lifeless body, the only uncle of little Narin who is not in custody spoke. The uncle, who described the conversation between him and the suspect Nevzat Bahtiyar, who was arrested tonight, used striking expressions.

Narin's only uncle who is not in custody spoke: Even the ground won't accept her


Nevzat Bahtiyar, the informant who was detained in the Narin Güran investigation, was arrested and sent to prison. Nevzat Bahtiyar, who confessed to burying little Narin's lifeless body in Eğertutmaz Stream, stated that Salim Güran, the imprisoned uncle, offered him 200,000 TL in return. After the procedures, Nevzat Bahtiyar was referred to the courthouse. Nevzat Bahtiyar (48) was arrested on the charge of 'intentional murder in complicity with a child' at the 1st Duty Criminal Court of Peace after the procedures at the gendarmerie.

Narin's only uncle who is not in custody spoke: Even the ground won't accept her


The uncle, who spoke to Now News, said, "I am the only uncle left outside. 8 uncles are in custody, my son and nephews are also inside. I haven't even gone to the police station for them. When our state reveals whoever it is, no matter who it is, my eye's apple, they will serve this punishment. Even the ground won't accept her. The one who did it remained silent, didn't they come out after a few days? I can't make the villagers talk or silence them, I don't have such power, I don't have such authority. Nevzat participated in the searches with us. He came and sat next to us while we were sitting in the mosque, and said, 'The gendarmerie questioned me, they asked Salim if he suspects me, I don't suspect, Salim can't do such a thing. Salim is not that kind of person.' Doesn't such a heartless person tremble? Doesn't he have any movement disorder? Can one stay so calm?" he said.

Narin's only uncle who is not in custody spoke: Even the ground won't accept her


After Bahtiyar's statement, the gendarmerie teams took all the family members into custody, considering the possibility that Narin might have been a victim of a family murder. Narin's father was later released.

Narin's only uncle who is not in custody spoke: Even the ground won't accept her


On August 21, Narin Güran, who went to the Quran course in Tavşantepe Neighborhood of Bağlar district, did not return home after the course, so her family searched for her on their own. When no results were obtained from the search, Narin's father, Arif Güran, reported that his daughter was missing on the same day around 20:00. As a result, numerous search and rescue teams were dispatched to the area, and searches were conducted in houses in the neighborhood and vehicles entering the village.

While the search operations were ongoing, E.G. (18), Narin's brother, was detained due to bite marks on his arm. When it could not be determined whether the bite marks belonged to Narin in the examination at the Istanbul Forensic Medicine Institute, E.G. was released.

Narin's only uncle who is not in custody spoke: Even the ground won't accept her

Then Narin's uncle, who is also the muhtar (village head) of rural Tavşantepe Neighborhood, Salim Güran, was taken into custody. Salim Güran, whose DNA samples taken from his car matched the DNA samples on Narin's clothes, was arrested on charges of 'intentional murder' and 'deprivation of liberty'.

As the teams focused on the previously searched areas again, they conducted a search in Eğertutmaz Stream, 2 kilometers away from the neighborhood, and found Narin's lifeless body on the 19th day. It was determined that Narin was thrown into the stream with a sack after being killed, and her body was covered with stones.

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