The crisis over SGK debts between the AK Party and CHP continues. Following President Erdoğan's instruction to Minister Işıkhan to 'shake them up', the bank accounts of CHP municipalities with debts to SGK were seized. In response to President Erdoğan's call to "also calculate the gold accounts of SGK debts," CHP leader Özgür Özel answered during his party's group meeting. Özgür Özel emphasized that it is the AK Party and MHP that have more debts to SGK than the CHP municipalities, saying, "He says; 'They are calculating gold accounts. Mr. Özgür loves gold accounts very much. He turns around and questions me.' We have been calculating the gold accounts for months. It is good for them to turn around and respond to these matters, to come to this level." Özgür Özel's calculation of the gold is as follows: "SGK has a claim of 270 tons of gold. 30 tons from municipalities, 240 tons from affiliated companies. The debts of CHP, AKP, and MHP amount to 1 truck of gold. Mr. Erdoğan, 1/3 of the truck is ours, and 2/3 is your debt. There are debts of your affiliates in 9 trucks. Bring 9 trucks of gold in front of SGK; anyone who does not give 1/3 of the gold is dishonorable. Bring it on!" Meanwhile, President and AK Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated at the 8th ordinary provincial congress of his party in Ordu, "The debts to SGK are increasing exponentially. Bankrupting SSK is a party tradition, and the new administration is no different. Özel has been calculating gold accounts lately. He should also calculate the gold accounts of his debts to SGK."