02.01.2025 13:00
A New Year's party organized by university students in a mansion in Sarıyer, Istanbul, was raided by the police. The mansion, where approximately 400 people were attending the party, was sealed off by the authorities on the grounds that it was operating illegally.
The New Year's party organized by the Galatasaray University Travel and Camping Club in a mansion in Sarıyer was raided by the police. The mansion, from which approximately 400 students were removed, was sealed by the municipal teams due to illegal operation, and 2 people were detained.
The incident occurred on January 1 at a mansion on Meserburnu Street in the Central Neighborhood. According to the information obtained, the Galatasaray University Travel and Camping Club organized a New Year's party for university students, with ticket prices ranging from 650 to 850 lira. Approximately 400 students purchased tickets from the online sales platform for the event announced on the club's social media account as 'New Year's Party in the Mansion.'
The New Year's party was held as students with tickets arrived, but later in the night, police teams, along with municipal teams, raided the mansion. The municipal teams determined that the mansion was not a public place, and that it lacked an alcohol sales license, necessary security measures, and an operating license. As a result of the investigations, it was revealed that the club organizing the event had rented the mansion from an online site that rents out daily homes, and that it was registered as an office in its license.
As the teams ended the party, they seized 20 bottles of alcohol ready for sale and 80 empty alcohol bottles, despite the lack of an alcohol sales license. Following the investigation, C.G. and the organizer of the university club that organized the party were detained on charges of 'fraud.' The students who attended the party were evacuated from the mansion. The establishment was sealed by municipal teams while the police launched an investigation into the incident.