While a significant change is taking place in Syria, controlled by armed opposition, Damascus is waiting for President Erdoğan. A team from the State Airports Authority and Turkish Airlines (THY) came to Damascus for inspections. The team then passed through Aleppo International Airport and conducted checks there as well. MEETING WITH COLANISources in Damascus note that Erdoğan may visit the Umayyad Mosque within the next 15 days, and it is expected that Erdoğan, who will meet with HTS leader Colani, will also come together with Syrian Turkmen. AN EXTRAORDINARY PROTECTION SHIELD WILL BE ESTABLISHEDAn extraordinary protection shield will be created for the president along the Hama, Homs, and Idlib line, with Turkish radars activated to control all air movements. WORK ON THE ALEPPO CONSULATE HAS BEEN ACCELERATEDAfter the opening of the embassy in Damascus, Turkey has accelerated its efforts for the Aleppo consulate. It has been reported that the consulate will be operational once the physical conditions are ready. It has also been learned that Turkey will carry out its first international flight to Syria in line with expectations. JOURNALISTS SUPPORTING ASSAD ARE ALSO SEEKING A VISITOn the other hand, there is information that some political party leaders, anti-Erdoğan journalists, commentators, and NGO heads have made official requests to visit Damascus. According to a report by Türkiye Gazetesi, among these individuals are those who have supported Bashar Assad until the last day.