In recent months, Reha Muhtar, who fell at home and suffered a brain hemorrhage, has started to gradually recover after being intubated at the hospital. After spending months in intensive care, Reha Muhtar made a statement, expressing his concerns about what might happen after witnessing the experiences of his family following the death of Ferdi Tayfur. "I HOPE IT DOESN'T HAPPEN TO ME"Muhtar expressed his fear that what happened to Ferdi Tayfur could happen to him, saying, "I hope I don't experience what happened to Ferdi Tayfur's mother and her daughter, who couldn't see each other while she was alive, and the events at his funeral after he passed away. My entire struggle is for that..." "IT'S MY LAST WISH TO MY LOVED ONES"In his post, Reha Muhtar openly stated, "It is my last wish to my loved ones that if Deniz Uğur dies, do not come to my funeral." "EVERYONE TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME"After his treatment, Reha Muhtar said, "When you say 'everything is mine,' suddenly you have nothing left in life. Everyone around me took everything I had. This includes my children as well."