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Release in Kobani trial! Former HDP MP Hüda Kaya has been released.

Release in Kobani trial! Former HDP MP Hüda Kaya has been released.

27.06.2024 21:56

The trial of 5 former HDP deputies, who are accused of being involved in the actions organized under the name of Kobani Case in 2014, has begun. The trial was postponed and former HDP deputy Hüda Kaya was released with a travel ban. Kaya, who was released from prison, stated that she had been unjustly treated and said that the 8-month prison process she went through cannot even be mentioned compared to the years her friends have been imprisoned.

The trial of 5 former People's Democratic Party (HDP) members, who are facing 38 aggravated life sentences each along with various prison terms, began for the actions that took place on October 6-8, 2014 under the pretext of Kobani.


The trial at the 22nd Heavy Penal Court in Ankara was attended by the defense lawyers. Hüda Kaya, one of the defendants, participated in the hearing through video conferencing from the prison where she is being held, while the other defendants, Serpil Kemalbay Pekgözegü, Garo Paylan, Fatma Kurtulan, and Pero Dundar, were not present.

During the trial, Kaya denied the accusations and stated that she did not engage in any actions that could constitute a crime. The defense lawyers also expressed that their clients are innocent.

The court decided to release defendant Kaya with a travel ban and the obligation to sign in at the police station, and postponed the case until September 10, 2024, in order to address the deficiencies.


After being released from prison, Kaya made a statement, reminding that she had been held in custody for 8 months, and said that she had been subjected to injustice. Kaya also emphasized that her own prison term cannot even be mentioned compared to her friends who have been imprisoned for years.


The indictment stated that during the events that took place on October 6-8, 2014, terrorist organization PKK/KCK leaders, affiliated structures, HDP Central Executive Board members, and co-chairs called for the public to take to the streets and carry out terrorist acts.

The indictment also mentioned that 37 people were killed and 29 attempted murders occurred in the incidents in 35 provinces, primarily in the Eastern and Southeastern regions. It was reported that numerous cases of assault, property damage, kidnapping, theft, looting, violation of workplace and residential inviolability, burning of the Turkish flag, and violation of the Law on the Protection of Atatürk were committed.

The indictment argued that Kaya, Pekgözegü, Paylan, Kurtulan, and Dundar, who were members of parliament at the time of the events, acted in unity of thought and action with 108 defendants who are being tried for the same crimes at the 22nd Heavy Penal Court in Ankara, regarding the initiation and execution of the October 6-8 incidents.

The defendants are being tried for 38 aggravated life sentences each, as well as other charges, including the murder of Yasin Börü and his friends, and the crimes of undermining the unity and territorial integrity of the state, with various prison terms.

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