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Scandalous Turkey post from Israeli minister advocating genocide! He also tagged İmamoğlu.

Scandalous Turkey post from Israeli minister advocating genocide! He also tagged İmamoğlu.

02.08.2024 21:20

Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz made a scandalous post about Turkey. Katz mentioned the access ban on Instagram and said, "Erdoğan is destroying the Turkish state, which has scientific, cultural, technological, and economic capabilities. He is eroding Atatürk's legacy. Let's hope for better days." Communication Director Altun reacted to Katz's post, in which he tagged Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor İmamoğlu, saying, "The account of this disgraceful genocide you are implementing will surely be questioned one day."

The Foreign Minister of the occupying and genocidal Israel, Yisrael Katz, once again made a brazen post targeting Turkey through the access ban imposed on Instagram.

On July 31, Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun published a condolence message on social media platform X account following the death of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and drew attention to Instagram's blocking of posts related to Haniyeh, stating, "I strongly condemn Instagram, the social media platform that blocks people from posting condolence messages without any justification due to Haniyeh's martyrdom. This is a clear and blatant censorship attempt."

Turkish enemy Israeli Minister Yisrael Katz targeted Turkey and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan through the access ban imposed on Instagram. Katz, who made a brazen post on his social media account, said, "Erdogan is turning Turkey into a dictatorship only for the sake of supporting Hamas' killers and rapists, against the stance of the entire free world."

Scandalous Turkey post from Israeli defender of genocide! He even tagged Imamoglu

Genocidal Katz said, "He blocks Instagram, which has 57 million users in Turkey, cuts off sports broadcasts just because an Israeli athlete defeated a Turkish athlete, threatens to invade a democratic country that is not in a military conflict, and causes $6 billion in annual damage to Turkish exporters by cutting off commercial relations."


Katz, who continued his brazen post, said, "Erdogan is erasing a Turkish state with scientific, cultural, technological, and economic capabilities, and eliminating the legacy of Ataturk, who built a progressive and prosperous Turkey. Let's hope for the days when everything will be beautiful."


Israeli Foreign Minister Katz, who is one of the leading supporters of the occupation in Gaza and the chilling genocide, also tagged Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu in his scandalous post.

Scandalous Turkey post from Israeli defender of genocide! He even tagged Imamoglu


Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun strongly reacted to genocidal Katz's post. Altun, who made a post on his social media account, said, "Look here, you murderous psychopath! As long as you keep mentioning Recep Tayyip Erdogan's name with that dirty mouth that has sucked the blood of innocents, we will continue to support him more, stand behind him more resolutely. Neither our President nor our country has anything to learn from bloody genocidal killers like you! The account of the massacres you have committed against our Palestinian brothers, this disgraceful genocide you have implemented, will surely be held accountable one day!"

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