Survivor All Star 2025, hosted by Acun Ilıcalı, has started with great excitement on TV8. As the Celebrities and Volunteers teams were formed, the sounds of fierce competition began to echo. SEMA AYDEMİR EXPERIENCED THE SHOCK OF HER LIFE Acun Ilıcalı announced during the new episode's council that one of the reserve contestants was included in the cast. The atmosphere became tense when that person entered the council area. Sema Aydemir was upset to see Pınar Saka, with whom she had a physical fight last season. Pınar Saka, as soon as she arrived at the competition, said, "I hope beautiful days are waiting for us. This does not apply to everyone; not everyone is waiting for beautiful days. Unlike some, I do not forget anything." Sema responded, "Either patience or safety." Social media users expressed their reactions by posting hundreds of comments after these images.