"Cranberry Sherbet" series' master actor Settar Tanrıöğen, who made a name for himself with the role of "Abdullah Ünal," went to the hospital with complaints of confusion and was found to have suffered a brain hemorrhage, leading to an emergency surgery. After undergoing multiple operations, Settar Tanrıöğen has recovered from the challenging treatment process. RETURN DATE TO THE SET HAS BEEN ANNOUNCEDIt has been learned that Tanrıöğen, who had to say goodbye to Cranberry Sherbet due to his illness, will return to the screen with the series "Red Buds." Details about when Tanrıöğen will make his comeback have also been revealed. HERE IS SETTAR TANRIÖĞEN'S NEW ROLEThe master actor will join Red Buds in the role of "Clockmaker Aziz," a father who lives to take revenge for his child. According to the news from Birsen Altuntaş, Tanrıöğen will be on set on Thursday and will appear in the 34th episode of the hit series.