In the British reality show Love Island, Turkish contestant Ekin Su made an unexpected move by choosing Kaz's partner Curtis for herself. In the latest episode of the program, sitting on her partner's lap led to interesting comments on social media. After meeting three different candidates, Ekin Su surprised everyone by choosing professional dancer Curtis. The rapidly developing closeness between the duo reached its peak with a kissing scene. However, viewers believe there is an interesting reason behind Ekin Su's choice. Fans of the show claim that the real reason Ekin Su chose Curtis is to ensure she gets her morning coffee served. This is because Curtis had previously drawn attention by regularly making coffee for his former partner Kaz in earlier episodes. Comments on social media included humorous messages like "Ekin Su secured her morning coffees throughout the show" and "Is a partner changed just for coffee?" 28-year-old Curtis's past is also noteworthy. He previously had a relationship with Amy Hart on the show and later had a nine-month relationship with Maura Higgins. However, they broke up in early 2020 due to cheating allegations. Viewers are eagerly waiting to see how the relationship between Ekin Su and Curtis will develop in the new episodes of Love Island.