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Sisi's visit to Turkey has caused a wide echo in the Arab media: A new era has begun.

Sisi's visit to Turkey has caused a wide echo in the Arab media: A new era has begun.

05.09.2024 19:40

The official visit of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to Turkey and President Erdogan's hosting of Sisi after 12 years have received extensive coverage in the Arab media. El-Cumhuriyye newspaper featured the visit on its front page with the headline "The beginning of a new phase between Egypt and Turkey," while the Egyptian newspaper el-Yevm es-Sabi described the historic visit as "a new era in Egypt-Turkey relations."

The official visit of Egyptian President Abdulfettah es-Sisi to Turkey has received extensive coverage in the Arab media.

The Arab media, which showed great interest in Sisi's visit to Ankara, highlighted the visit with headlines such as "historic", "the beginning of a new phase", and "deepening cooperation between Egypt and Turkey". Press and media organizations that covered the topics discussed by Sisi and President Erdogan emphasized their joint emphasis on stopping Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip.


Egypt's official newspaper "El-Cumhuriyye" featured the visit with the headline "Sisi-Erdogan summit; the beginning of a new phase between Egypt and Turkey", while another official newspaper "El-Ehram" used headlines such as "Egypt and Turkey united in the fight against crises" and "Strategic Cooperation Council; a qualitative development in bilateral relations" for the visit.

The Egyptian newspaper "el-Yevm es-Sabi" also highlighted the visit, which it described as "historic", with the headline "A new era in Egypt-Turkey relations".

Sisi's visit to Turkey resonates in the Arab media: A new era has begun


Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates' official news agencies reported Egyptian President Sisi's visit to Ankara as breaking news. Saudi Arabia's official news agency SPA delivered the visit to its subscribers with the headline "Saudi President meets with his Egyptian counterpart in Turkey", while UAE's official news agency WAM served the visit to its subscribers with Sisi's words "My visit to Turkey initiates a new phase in bilateral relations". Kuwait and Oman's official news agencies also featured Egyptian President Sisi's visit in their headlines.


Saudi Arabia's e-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper featured Sisi's visit with the headline "Egypt and Turkey on the path to establishing a new phase of friendship". The newspaper's report stated, "Egyptian President Sisi's visit to Turkey opened up horizons for establishing a new phase of friendship based on strengthening cooperation in various fields and deepening consultations on regional issues." The newspaper also featured an interview with Turkey's Ambassador to Cairo, Salih Mutlu Şen, using the headline "Turkey's Ambassador to Cairo: Sisi's visit to Ankara will turn into agreements covering all sectors". Kuwait's Alrai newspaper used the headline "Sisi-Erdogan summit; Strategic opening" for the visit, while el-Enba newspaper featured "Historic visit from Egyptian President to Turkey", and El-Ceride newspaper delivered the visit to its readers with the headlines "Agreement between Sisi and Erdogan; From Gaza to Somalia".

The UAE's el-Halic newspaper also featured Sisi's visit to Ankara with the headline "Sisi and Erdogan initiate a new era between Egypt and Turkey". Qatar-based Al Jazeera television reported Sisi's first visit to Turkey in 12 years, while Saudi Arabia's Al Arabiya television described the visit as "historic and unique". Egyptian President Sisi visited Turkey on September 4th in response to President Erdogan's invitation.

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