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Sudan's Rivals Delay Signing Of Final Political Agreement

01.04.2023 14:14

Rivals cite lack of consensus on outstanding issues for postponing signing of final agreement.

Sudan's military and political forces postponed the signing of a final agreement aimed to resolve the country's months-long crisis.

A spokesman for Sudan's political process, Khaled Omar Youssef, cited "lack of consensus on some outstanding issues" for failure to sign the agreement on Saturday.

He said the two rivals will meet later Saturday to set a new date for the singing of the agreement.

"All parties will continue to engage in serious discussions, in order to overcome the last obstacles to reaching an agreement to restore the path of civilian democratic transition, and form a civilian authority to lead the transition," Youssef stated.

The signing of the agreement was scheduled to be followed by the formation of a new government on April 11.

On Dec. 5, Sudan's military and political forces signed a framework agreement meant to resolve Sudan's months-long crisis.

The deal pledges a 2-year transition period and the appointment of a civilian prime minister by the political parties that signed the agreement.

It also calls for the reform of the military and defense sector, unifying the military and integrating the Rapid Support Forces, a paramilitary force, into the army.

Sudan has been without a functioning government since October 2021 when the military dismissed Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok's transitional government and declared a state of emergency, a move decried by political forces as a "military coup."

Sudan's transitional period that started in August 2019 was scheduled to end with elections in early 2024.

*Ikram Kouachi contributed to this report. -

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