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After Aleppo was brought under the control of the opposition, the passage of Syrians living in Hatay and surrounding provinces to their country continues.
Syrian families arriving at the Cilvegözü Border Gate in Reyhanlı, Hatay, early in the morning are heading to Aleppo after the passport and document checks conducted here.
"YOU HAVE HOSTED US VERY WELL FOR 7 YEARS"Aya Abdusselam, who lives in Hatay and will go to Aleppo after the procedures here with her family of 8, thanked Turkey. Abdusselam said, "I have been in Turkey for 7 years. I was living in Hatay. Aleppo has been liberated. We are going to our homeland. Thank you very much to all of Turkey. You have hosted us very well for 7 years. Thank you all. Thank you very much."
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