In an incident that occurred last night in Fatih Balat, a moving car attempted to ascend Sancaktar Hill. At that moment, due to the rain, the vehicle lost control and began to slide backward. Three women on the road noticed the car and ran away. 2 OF THE WOMEN ESCAPED BUT...While 2 of the women escaped, 1 got trapped between the wall and the vehicle and was dragged along. Nearby citizens rushed to help the seriously injured woman. Health teams were dispatched to the scene upon notification. As a result of the intervention at the scene, the seriously injured woman was taken to the hospital by ambulance. During the accident, the car also crashed into a business on the road, causing damage. THE MOMENTS WERE CAPTURED ON CAMERAMeanwhile, it was learned that there are constant accidents on this hill, and despite nearby citizens collecting signatures and complaining, the authorities have not taken any action. The moment of the incident was recorded second by second by a security camera. "ACCIDENTS HAPPEN HERE EVERY DAY"Merchant Mehmet Çoşkun, who witnessed the accident, said, "We collected signatures for the hill, but it didn't work. We want the hill to be closed to traffic. Accidents happen here every day. If the accident had happened in the summer, the girl would have had no chance of survival; at least 20 people would have died. The authorities come here but never take precautions. Cars can't get up here. There are problems every day, but we haven't been able to solve it. Hopefully, the authorities will hear our voice thanks to you and help us. Yesterday, the car was also entering the shop. Two ambulances came yesterday. I don't know the girl's condition. We panicked and were scared at that moment. It also hit the natural gas line. If that had exploded, it would have been a bigger disaster. When the fire department arrived, they couldn't get through. Last time, the fire department couldn't get through, and a house burned down completely," he said.