The series "Gizli Bahçe," which is considered one of the ambitious productions of the season starring Ebru Şahin and Murat Yıldırım, unexpectedly made an early finale, disappointing its viewers. MURAT YILDIRIM APOLOGIZEDMurat Yıldırım, who said, "The ratings were close to average; the story was just beginning, and I realized I needed to pause for a while as I have been on television for a long time," stated after the final episode, "I thank everyone who watched; if the fault is ours, I apologize." "THEY THOUGHT IT WAS AN ESCORT STORY"Murat Yıldırım, in a previous statement, said, "This is the first time for this much! Sometimes it's good. There are many reasons; we must not have told the story correctly. They thought the series was about an escort story, but it actually wasn't."