In the Ovakorusu Bear Sanctuary, established in 1996 in the Karacabey district of Bursa, strong winds were effective in the morning hours. Due to the wind, a fallen tree landed on the electric wires that cut off the bears' connection to the outside. A SEARCH OPERATION FOR THE ESCAPED BEAR HAS BEEN INITIATEDThe bear, which used the tree that damaged the iron fence as a path, managed to escape by jumping over it. Following a citizen's report after seeing the incident in the Boğazköy neighborhood of Karacabey, about 10 personnel from the Nature Conservation and National Parks Directorate and gendarmerie teams started a search operation for the escaped bear. ANNOUNCEMENTS WERE MADE FROM MOSQUESThe Karacabey District Gendarmerie Command requested citizens to call 0224 676 11 15 to provide information. Additionally, announcements were made from the mosques in nearby villages, urging citizens to be cautious. The announcement also warned that livestock should not be let outside.