In the series "Şakir Paşa Ailesi Scandals and Miracles" aired on Now TV, the set built on a 1200 m2 platform in Kartal was turned to ashes in a fire that broke out at midnight. The filming of the series 'Şakir Paşa Ailesi Scandals and Miracles', featuring names like Vahide Perçin, Fırat Tanış, Devrim Yakut, Denise Capezza, Nilsu Berfin Aktaş, Helin Kandemir, Yağmur Başkurt, Onur Durmaz, and Meryem Uzerli, resumed the day before yesterday after being interrupted due to the fire on set. THE CAUSE OF THE FIRE HAS BEEN REVEALEDThe cause of the fire that broke out on the set has been revealed. According to the news from Birsen Altuntaş, the fire report indicated that the fire was caused by electrical issues. THE PRODUCER'S LOSS IS SIGNIFICANTIt is claimed that the producer's loss amounts to 50 million TL.