11.09.2024 22:40
Süheyla Özkan, the wife of the confessing suspect Nevzat Bahtiyar, who was arrested as part of the investigation into the delicate murder, spoke. Özkan said, "Salim Güran's stepmother came to us on the day the body was found. She went to Arif Güran's house saying that Salim was arrested and her husband would also be arrested."
The secret veil in the Narin murder, which Turkey has been talking about for days, is slowly being lifted. Nevzat Bahtiyar, who confessed to taking Narin's lifeless body to the stream last Sunday, was arrested. Süheyla Özkan, the wife of Bahtiyar, made striking new statements.
The possibility that the murder of Narin Güran, whose lifeless body was found 19 days after she disappeared, was committed in an organized manner is being investigated in all aspects. The mother, father, brother, uncle, and relatives of Narin, whose paternal uncle is in custody, will be sent to the courthouse tomorrow. The clarity of who and how the little girl was killed will be revealed with the confessions of the suspects, which will be taken at the courthouse tomorrow.
While the investigation into who or who killed Narin Güran continues in all aspects, Süheyla Özkan, the wife of Nevzat Bahtiyar, who confessed to hiding Narin's lifeless body in the stream, made striking statements.
Speaking to AHaber, Özkan said the following about Salim Güran, Narin's arrested uncle's stepmother: Salim's stepmother came to our house. The day the body was found. Salim was arrested, Nevzat will also be arrested. What do you understand from this? Then she went to Arif Güran's house. Then Barış Güran (Salim Güran's brother) came with the gendarmerie at 23.00 and took my husband into custody.
A search operation was launched for 8-year-old Narin Güran, who went missing on August 21 in Tavşantepe neighborhood of Bağlar district in Diyarbakır. Salim Güran, the neighborhood headman of Tavşantepe and also Narin Güran's uncle, who was taken into custody within the scope of the investigation conducted by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, was arrested by the duty magistrate's court on September 2.
Diyarbakır Governor Murat Zorluoğlu announced that Narin Güran, who went missing, was found dead on September 8, at around 08.45, by the Eğertutmaz Stream with her clothes hidden in a sack covered with stones. Nevzat B. (48), one of the suspects, claimed in his statement to the gendarmerie that Salim Güran, his uncle, asked him to take the lifeless body of the little girl to the stream in exchange for 200 thousand liras, and he was sent to the courthouse yesterday.
In his statement at the duty magistrate's court, Nevzat B, who claimed that his uncle Salim Güran threatened him by saying, "I killed Arif's daughter, you will also take this body and destroy it. Otherwise, I will kill you and your family," was arrested and sent to prison on charges of "participating in the intentional killing of a child."