In the İpek Yayla neighborhood of Mudanya district in Bursa, Raif Durhan, who is engaged in farming, faced a test of patience at his wedding, organized by his friends. His friends who broke eggs on his head also captured the moments when they sat him in a basin in the middle of the street and washed him. The wedding ceremony of Raif Durhan and Damla Durman in Bursa was full of colorful moments. Damla Durman, who was taken from Bursa as a bride, witnessed what happened to the groom and the incredible entertainment in the bridal car. SAT IN A BASIN IN THE VILLAGE SQUARE AND WAS WASHED His friends who tore Raif Durhan's clothes also forced him to suck on a pacifier that they taped with salt. The groom, who was laid on the ground and had a drum played on his head, was then sat in a basin in the village square and washed after the eggs were broken on his head. At the end of the entertainment, after the groom was shaved, he was dressed in clothes by his friends and taken to the wedding house in a ceremony.