In the program "Equal Weight" hosted by Erdoğan Aktaş on TV100, tense moments occurred. While discussing the minimum wage, pensions, and economic issues, a heated debate took place between the guests, journalist Fuat Uğur and lawyer Ersan Şen. In his evaluations regarding economic difficulties, Şen stated, "Don't treat the people like fools. You are mocking retirees, low-income individuals, and minimum wage earners. You cannot understand what they are going through." "SHALL WE TALK ABOUT ERSAN ŞEN'S WEALTH?"In response to Şen's criticisms, Fuat Uğur said, "Shall we talk about Ersan Şen's wealth?" which suddenly raised the tension. Responding to Uğur, Şen said, "My wealth is not up for discussion. I am not an opportunist. I speak on behalf of the people. I earn by working. Don't confuse me with others." Moderator Erdoğan Aktaş tried to calm the debate, but the tension continued throughout the program.