As of January 1, a new application regarding rental properties has been launched. This application requires advertisers to perform authorization verification. Thanks to the Electronic Advertisement Verification System (EAVS), the identity information of advertisers will be verified, and it will be confirmed that the advertisements reflect the truth. Experts state that this new regulation will prevent fraud in the sector and reduce consumer grievances. AUTHORIZATION VERIFICATION PROCESS AND PENALTIESThe authorization verification application for rental property advertisements started on January 1. This application will allow real estate businesses to advertise only with the authorization they receive from the property owner. A real estate business without an authorization document will not be able to enter advertisements without permission. Otherwise, fines starting from 100,000 TL will be imposed. When the advertiser enters their property in their name or in the name of a first or second-degree relative, verification will be done through checks made with the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre and the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs. PREVENTION OF FAKE ADVERTISEMENTSThe new system is designed to prevent fake advertisements, ensure market regulation, and prevent consumer grievances. In 2023, the first phase of the application started, and the identity verification system was activated. As of January 1, 2025, authorization verification will be required for all advertisements. This step will help prevent not only fake advertisements but also short-term rentals and fraud incidents. Real estate experts indicate that the new application also covers social media platforms, as there is serious advertisement pollution in these areas as well. DOES THE REGULATION COVER OLD ADVERTISEMENTS?This regulation will only be valid for advertisements entered as of January 1. Existing old advertisements will not fall under the scope of this application. Additionally, when the application for properties for sale will start will become clear in the future. Currently, the system, which is only active for rental properties, is expected to also apply to sale advertisements in the coming periods.