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The English minister bet on the election date and multiplied his money by 6.

The English minister bet on the election date and multiplied his money by 6.

27.06.2024 19:59

The betting played by politicians on elections in the UK has become a topic of discussion. Alister Jack, the Secretary of State for Scotland, announced that he had placed a bet on the date of the upcoming general election in the country. Jack won £120 (approximately 5,000 Turkish lira) from the game he placed £20 (approximately 830 Turkish lira) in April. On the other hand, a police officer from Prime Minister Sunak's close protection team was suspended from duty and arrested in the betting investigation that has stirred up the ruling Conservative Party.

The Minister of State for Scotland in the UK, Alister Jack, has revealed that he placed a bet on the date of the general election, which will take place on July 4th.

According to reports in the British media, Jack placed a bet in April that the general election would take place between July and September.

Bets placed on the date of the general election in the UK
Minister of State for Scotland, Alister Jack


Jack, who lost two bets he placed in March, won £120 (approximately 5,000 Turkish lira) from the £20 (approximately 830 Turkish lira) he bet in April. Jack later stated that his claim of winning £2,100 (approximately 87,000 Turkish lira) in May was a "joke". The Minister of State for Scotland, Jack, stated that he did not place any bets in May and was not involved in the betting investigation in the country.


Meanwhile, Kevin Craig, the Labour Party candidate for the Central and North Ipswich constituency in Suffolk, admitted that he placed a bet on his Conservative Party opponent winning the election. Craig, who switched to the Labour Party in the last election but believed he would not win in a constituency where Conservative Party candidates had previously been elected, revealed that he bet his money on his opponent. Craig, who stated that he placed the bet a few weeks ago, also stated that if he wins, he will donate the money to local charities.

Bets placed on the date of the general election in the UK
Kevin Craig

The Labour Party announced that it withdrew its support from the candidate for the Central and North Ipswich constituency and announced that it will refund the £100,000 (approximately 4 million Turkish lira) donation made by Craig to the party. Craig will still appear on the ballot paper as a candidate and will continue to be listed as a Labour Party candidate.


Due to the increasing number of betting investigations in the country's politics, the environmental organization Greenpeace also staged a protest. A Greenpeace activist climbed onto the Conservative Party's election bus and held up a banner that read "Clean energy, not Paddypower". In a post shared on Greenpeace's X account regarding the banner featuring the name of the betting company Paddypower, which means "Irish Energy", the statement "Don't gamble with our future" was included.

Bets placed on the date of the general election in the UK


The betting investigation that has caused turmoil in the ruling Conservative Party began when the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport's Gambling Commission requested information from betting companies. The Commission requested information on those who deposited more than £199 (approximately 8,300 Turkish lira) in bets on the election date. As a result of the Commission's investigations, it was revealed that five people, including one of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's close protection officers, two parliamentary candidates, and two party officials, placed bets on the election date before the decision was made.

It was determined that Sunak's parliamentary candidate, Craig Williams, who was found to have placed a bet that would earn him five times the amount of money he deposited three days before the date was announced, admitted to placing a £100 (approximately 4,000 Turkish lira) bet. It was also revealed that the Campaign Director of the party, Tony Lee, and the parliamentary candidate's wife, Laura Saunders, placed bets. In response to the allegations, Saunders announced that she would file a lawsuit against the BBC, which made the issue public, on the grounds of "violation of privacy".

Bets placed on the date of the general election in the UK
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

The party's Chief Data Officer, Nick Mason, denied the allegations and stated that he did not make a mistake. A police officer from Sunak's close protection team was suspended and arrested following the allegations. The London Metropolitan Police later announced that the accounts of five police officers who were not involved in close protection duties were also being investigated as part of the betting investigation. While the allegations received criticism from the opposition, Sunak announced that anyone involved in the betting allegations would be expelled from the party. The Conservative Party announced on June 25th that it had withdrawn its support from candidates Saunders and Williams.

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