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The evidence was concealed in the murder of Narin Güran! The family members acted systematically.

The evidence was concealed in the murder of Narin Güran! The family members acted systematically.

16.09.2024 08:20

In the investigation of the murder of 8-year-old Narin Güran in Diyarbakır, Hediye Güran, the sister-in-law, was sent to the courthouse yesterday, while 2 more relatives who made false reports were detained. As the investigation deepens, it was recorded that family members systematically tampered with evidence during the search operations. It was revealed that numerous false reports were made by relatives who removed their SIM cards, and many false statements were given during the searches.

Eight-year-old Narin Güran, who went missing on August 21 in Tavşantepe neighborhood of Bağlar district in Diyarbakır, was searched both in the village and its surroundings for days. During this time, Narin's uncle and muhtar Salim Güran was arrested on charges of "intentional murder". On the 19th day of the search, Narin's lifeless body was found in a sack covered with stones in Eğertutmaz Stream, 1.5 km away from the neighborhood. In the investigation, a total of 11 people, including Narin's mother Yüksel, brother Enes Güran, and uncles, were arrested. Last Friday, the wife of the detained uncle Fuat Güran, Hediye Güran, was taken into custody. Hediye Güran was taken to the courthouse yesterday evening. Narin's relatives İsa and Şeyma Kaya were also taken into custody yesterday on allegations of manipulating the resolution of the case with false information and tips.


According to the reason for the arrest of Ramazan Atasoy, who is known to be the worker of Uncle Salim Güran, it was stated that the search for Narin was attempted to be obstructed with "artificial tips and distracting actions". The decision stated that "according to the JASAT report in the file, it was alleged that a slipper was found near the tent where Syrians stayed, and the gendarmerie personnel were tried to be directed to this part, a fire was started in the village, unusual power outages occurred, 2 individuals took a girl to the upper part of the village, it was stated that the security units were misled with these statements, and it was stated that some of these were done by some members of the Güran Family". Some of the blackout actions carried out collectively were compiled...


The search for Narin started with the missing report made by her family about their little daughter on August 21. While the gendarmerie teams started the search operations, there was a 6-hour power outage in the village. It was alleged that the electricity was cut by the detained uncle Salim Güran to hinder the search operations.


The slipper, claimed to belong to Narin, was found 2 km away from the Güran Family's house on August 22. It was stated that the number of the slipper was 26, and Narin's foot size was 31. Narin's cousin Muhammed Kaya stated in his statement that he saw one of the slippers on the road during the search for Narin, but he forgot to give it to the gendarmerie when he returned to the village. Kaya's attitude was evaluated as a suspicious attempt to tamper with evidence. Narin's slippers were found in the sack where her lifeless body was found.


A fire broke out in the field of A.R.G., who is claimed to be the mastermind behind Narin's murder, on August 23. The fire was quickly extinguished by the fire crews. The possibility of burning the blanket in which Narin's lifeless body was wrapped or another evidence is being considered.


Narin's brother Enes Güran was taken into custody on August 29 due to the bite mark on his arm. After the examinations, it was determined that the marks on the brother's arm did not belong to Narin. It was claimed that the brother took three showers that day to erase the DNA samples.


Narin was last seen in the village at 15:15 on August 21. The camera of the military base in the region reflected the image of the red car, in which Narin's body was placed, parked by the stream between 15:40 and 16:30 on the same day. However, when Narin's relatives deliberately gave false statements about the place and time where the girl was seen, the nature of the searches changed. The camera of the military base could only be checked on September 8. It was revealed that Narin's uncle Salim Güran, who brought the girl's body wrapped in a blanket and handed it over to Nevzat Bahtiyar with the instruction "Get rid of the body", actively participated in the search operations and misled the gendarmerie. The searches started from the canal, and the stream was not checked for a long time. After the murder, many people deleted their WhatsApp conversations.


Birsen Güran (19), the daughter of Narin's father's uncle, stated that Narin knocked on their door at 14:00 on the day of the incident and asked about her cousins Hatice and Fatma, emphasizing that her uncle Salim Güran, who came to her later, told her to say that she saw Narin at 17:40 and said, "Otherwise, your head will burn."


It was revealed that Fuat Güran, one of the detained uncles who was in Van on the day of the murder and returned to the village after Narin went missing, tried to listen to the gendarmerie by pretending to be talking on the phone. It was learned that the gendarmerie noticed this and made two reports about Fuat Güran.


Visits to Narin's grave continue. People from the city center and many cities, including Narin's peers, visit the cemetery. Visitors leave books, toys, and flowers, and pray. While visits continue from all over the country, some citizens requested that Narin's grave be moved to the martyrs' cemetery.


As the Narin Güran murder became the agenda of Turkey, many methods were tried to delay the searches and tamper with evidence. Many false statements were made during the searches. It was also revealed in the investigation that more than 50 false reports were made by the relatives who removed their SIM cards.After the image reflected on the school's security camera at 15:00, the mystery of what happened afterwards still remains unsolved. Family members stated in their testimonies that they saw Narin after 15:15. Narin's cousin Birsen Güran mentioned that on the day of the incident, Narin knocked on their door at 14:00 and asked about her cousins Hatice and Fatma. However, in the prosecutor's statement, it was mentioned that Uncle Salim Güran asked if you saw Narin at 17:40. Here are the testimonies of family members on August 21, minute by minute, with camera and call records:

13:50: Narin left home for Quran course.

14:00: She visited her 69-year-old great uncle Hüseyin Güran's house. Then she went to the mosque for the course.

15:05: She left the mosque.

15:15: She passed in front of the school and entered the path leading to her house. This was the last time she was seen alive.

15:21-15:46: According to call records, Uncle Salim Güran and Nevzat Bahtiyar were together. Güran stated that he did not meet with Bahtiyar and that the base analysis was incorrect.

15:52: Uncle Salim Güran talked to his employee Ramazan Atasoy.

16:43-16:56-16:59-17:03: Salim Güran talked to his cousin Mehmet Şerif Güran, who was on vacation in Antalya.

17:26-18:27: Salim Güran had another conversation with his cousin Mehmet Şerif Güran, who was on vacation in Antalya. Salim Güran stated in his testimony regarding these conversations, "Our conversation at 17:26 may be about the field. I only talk to them about the field anyway. The conversation I had at 18:27 was before passing in front of the camera."

18:38-18:42-18:51-18:54: There were long and consecutive conversations between Salim Güran and Ramazan Atasoy. In the conversation at 18:38, Salim Güran said, "Something that belongs to you has fallen at the corner over there, something that belongs to you on the slope, the corner of the slope is a stone, someone is on the ground." Ramazan Atasoy replied, "Okay, I don't have it yet. Okay, it's not dead yet."

18:59: According to camera records, the suspect Uncle Salim Güran left in his car from in front of their house towards the school.

19:30: Narin's family started to search for her.


13:50: Narin left in front of their house to go to the mosque for the course.

14:00: She visited her 69-year-old great uncle Hüseyin Güran's house. Then she went to the mosque.

15:05: She left the mosque.

15:15: She passed in front of the school and entered the path leading to her house. According to the statements of family members, no one saw Narin after this time.

17:40: According to other testimonies, Narin was seen by two people near the mosque, about 300 meters away from their house.

17:50: Narin went to her great uncle Hüseyin's house and talked to her cousins at the door.

18:47: She met with her friend M. Only M. was seen in the camera angle during this meeting. M. was interviewed with the presence of psychologists and pedagogues, and she described her conversation with Narin. According to her account, M. said to Narin, "Let's play a game." Narin replied, "I'm very tired, let's not play," and left.

18:59: According to camera records, the suspect Uncle Salim Güran left in his car from in front of their house towards the school.

19:30: Narin's family started to search for her.

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