Hollywood star Hugh Jackman (56) and Broadway icon Sutton Foster (49) were spotted kissing for the first time after their secret relationship was revealed. The couple shared intimate moments at the drive-thru of an In-N-Out restaurant in San Fernando. In photos taken a few days before the Los Angeles fires began, Foster is seen tenderly holding Jackman's face as she kisses him. The couple, who have been the subject of rumors about a relationship before ending their marriages, continued to hug and kiss after getting out of the car. Jackman, who separated from his wife of 27 years, Deborra-lee Furness, in September 2023, wore a black t-shirt and jeans, while Foster opted for a loose blouse and jeans. Recently, it was revealed that Jackman was seen holding hands with his girlfriend after watching Foster's performance in "Once Upon A Mattress" in Los Angeles. The duo had previously shared the lead roles in the Broadway musical "The Music Man." Foster had filed for divorce from her husband of 10 years, screenwriter Ted Griffin, in October. Meanwhile, it was noted that Jackman's ex-wife Furness liked an Instagram post from a gossip blogger claiming that her husband "ran off with his mistress." A source told DailyMail.com that Furness suspected something was going on but was "shocked" when she found out. In a joint statement made in September, Jackman and Furness said, "We shared a wonderful marriage of nearly 30 years. Our journey is now changing, and we have decided to separate for our individual growth. Our family will always be our priority."