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The father-in-law who stabbed his son-in-law was caught hiding in the coal shed.

The father-in-law who stabbed his son-in-law was caught hiding in the coal shed.

27.06.2024 18:48

Ergün Göçmen, who stabbed his son-in-law Bahtiyar Öztürk to death in Muğla after an argument, was captured by the authorities 12 days after the incident while hiding in a coal shed.

In Muğla, Ergün Göçmen (50), who stabbed his son-in-law Bahtiyar Öztürk (24) seven times and fled, was captured by the police teams hiding in the coal cellar after 12 days.


The incident took place on June 14th around 01:30 in the center of Yatağan district. Gülgün Öztürk and her husband Bahtiyar Öztürk had an argument for reasons that have not yet been determined. After the argument, Gülgün Öztürk told her father Ergün Göçmen about the situation. The argument between Göçmen and his son-in-law Bahtiyar Öztürk, who went to his daughter's house, turned into a fight in a short time. Göçmen stabbed his son-in-law seven times with the knife he had with him and fled. Police and medical teams were dispatched to the address with the notification of the neighbors to the 112 Emergency Call Center. Bahtiyar Öztürk, who was taken to Yatağan State Hospital by health personnel, lost his life.


Police initiated an operation to capture the suspect who fled the scene by car. The teams captured Ergün Göçmen in the coal cellar of his mother's house in Düğerek Neighborhood, Menteşe district, around 00:30 as a result of the operation coordinated by the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. It was reported that Göçmen, who was taken into custody, is still being processed by the police.

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