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The father of the child whom Duygu Özgül forcibly kissed broke his silence.

The father of the child whom Duygu Özgül forcibly kissed broke his silence.

27.06.2024 21:08

TikTok user Duygu Özgül Kalebayır shared moments of forcibly kissing her 5-year-old male cousin from her account with 27 thousand followers. As the repercussions of the incident continue, the child's father also made a statement. The father, expressing that Kalebayır had no ill intentions, said, "The person you are talking about is my nephew. I don't think she did it with bad intentions. I don't see any malicious intent in her, I can't. Maybe this incident is not such a big deal to be exaggerated."

Turkey is talking about the footage of a young child forcibly kissing her cousin Duygu Özgül Kalebayır on the lips. After the footage received a huge backlash on social media, the young woman was arrested and her TikTok account was closed. The families of the parties involved made statements that will make an impact on what happened.


In the video that Duygu Özgül Kalebayır shot with her cousin, who is currently 5 years old, she forced the child to kiss her on the lips, which caused a great uproar on social media. Duygu Özgül used expressions such as "It's not right, I like kissing on the lips. Is my lip a forbidden place? Kiss me, if you kiss me, I'll let you go. We don't kiss on the cheek. You've always been kissing me on the lips since childhood."


The video received a lot of criticism on social media. The Nevşehir Provincial Police Department Cyber Crimes Unit and the Ürgüp District Police Department detained the woman. Duygu Özgül was arrested at the Ürgüp Courthouse and taken to prison.

The father of the child that Duygu Özgül forcibly kissed breaks his silence


While the echoes of the incident continue, striking statements came from the parties involved in an interview with Ekol TV. Coşkun Nadir, the father of the child named Ö.H.N., stated that he would not file a complaint against his nephew and said the following: "We were psychologically affected. We didn't expect the incident to escalate to this extent. My nephew is my nephew. That person you mentioned is my nephew. I don't think he did it with bad intentions. I don't see any malicious intent in him, I can't see it. The press has already shared it everywhere. Maybe this incident is not an issue that should be exaggerated this much. The laws of the state are clear. I saw the video after it was spread. It seemed strange to me, like everyone else. My child is already very young there. That video is very old. According to his current physical condition, my child is very young. I saw him as much as I saw in the video. If I had seen the video, would I have made him do it? The child is already young. He was 2 years old at that time. According to my estimation, my son was 2 years old there. According to my estimation, he was 2 years old based on his physical condition there. Maybe 3 years old at most. He doesn't speak there. My son started speaking at the age of 5. He started speaking late. My son spoke at the age of 5. Because of the wrong facial expressions there. Maybe it's because he loves her so much."


Maybe it's because he really has a disturbed state of mind. This child has already grown up without a mother or father. I don't know his state of mind. Duygu was raised by her mother and grandfather. Her father was not there. Her father subjected her to violence when she was a child. Her grandfather went and took her from her father. Until the age of 15 or 16, her grandfather raised her. So, Duygu has come to this age with difficulties. Duygu is a very intelligent child. She is also a very polite child. Personally, I was uncomfortable with her facial expressions, like everyone else. I wish she didn't make those expressions. Maybe she could have kissed him, there's no problem with that, but because of the expressions she made, it made people perceive it as abuse. Otherwise, I would never expect such a thing from Duygu, I wouldn't think about it. I can't file a complaint against Duygu. It happened. She shot this video. I raised a child who grew up in my hands."


Müjgan Nadir, Duygu Özgül's mother, explained why her daughter uploaded the videos and said the following: "I was with her when she shot the video. Her uncle was also there. Her aunt was also there. It was shot 2 years ago. Duygu always shoots videos with her cousins. So, my child had no malicious intent. It was just out of her love. Other than that, my child had no bad intentions. Let me explain why she uploaded the video again. Because her previous TikTok account was closed and the old videos were still there, she tried to update her account and upload new videos. That was Duygu's intention. We are in a very bad situation right now, as a family. We never expected something like this and my daughter is currently in prison for a ridiculous incident."


My child was born in her own hands. There are even pictures of her holding the baby on the day she was born. Childhood pictures like that. How many videos does Duygu have in her possession? Duygu didn't upload it there with any malicious intent. She didn't upload it with a bad thought. If she had such a thought, she wouldn't have uploaded it.


There is something strange about the video. Half of the video is cut. In the continuation, Duygu says, for example, that her saliva got on Ö.H.'s mouth. She says, "You even made him lick it off me." Her phone has already been confiscated. I separated from her father when Duygu was 1 year old. Duygu was 1 year old. Her father cheated on me and showed violence towards me and Duygu. And my father, her grandfather, took care of us. Duygu was raised by her mother and grandfather until the age of 15. I don't know Duygu's love for her father. It's very different from her love for Ö.H. For example, she doesn't kiss me as much as she kisses him. My daughter is innocent. My daughter is not guilty of anything. The only thing my daughter is guilty of is being fatherless and growing up without love. Nothing else.


We are innocent. I am always behind my daughter. We are innocent. I stood up here with my head held high. I am always behind my daughter. Is her uncle, aunt filing a complaint? No, no. They have also given their statements. Ö.H. has also given his statement. He has been examined by a psychologist. The necessary procedures have been carried out and Duygu appeared in court after that. Her uncle says he wasn't there, but he wasn't taking care of the children at that time anyway. Our house was close, my brother and I. We were together from morning till night, even late at night, before we came to Ürgüp. Duygu is very different towards Ö.H. because he didn't receive fatherly love. I don't know Duygu's love. It's very different towards Ö.H. For example, I am her mother, she doesn't kiss me that much. My daughter is innocent. My daughter has no guilt. My daughter is just guilty of being fatherless and growing up without love. Nothing else.


My daughter already has Taekwondo diplomas. She is a driving instructor. Additionally, she has graduated from university. She is a surgical services nurse. My child was waiting for her diploma, but she ended up in prison. Instead of going to the hospital, my child went to prison. I want justice to be served. My child is innocent. Please release my child from behind those bars. They are making very bad comments, they shouldn't. They shouldn't receive a mother's curse and curse.

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