Polish director Patryk Vega's film about Vladimir Putin's life, shot with artificial intelligence technology, has caused a stir even before its release. The film, set to premiere on January 25, has drawn attention with its scenes that disturb the Kremlin. In the film, Polish actor Slawomir Sobala's face is overlaid with the Russian leader's face using artificial intelligence technology. It is reported that Sobala studied Putin's body language and behavior for two years for his role. Director Vega made the following statement regarding the shooting technique: "We needed a real model to obtain the highest resolution details. Since we couldn't invite Putin to the studio, we used this method. Artificial intelligence alone couldn't capture this sensitivity." The trailer shows various periods of Putin's life, starting from his childhood, including his judo training, taxi driving, and marriage. Some controversial scenes depict the Russian leader's private moments. It is claimed that the Kremlin's espionage units are trying to prevent the film's screening. The extent to which the film reflects real events remains uncertain. This new work by director Vega, who previously directed films like "Pitbull" and "The Plagues of Breslau," is eagerly awaited in the cinema world.